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Prioritising my clients' business by choosing Xero!

Do you get confused by the proliferation of online accounting software options?

Do you feel blind to the differences in the choices and reach for the cheapest option or the first one to be recommended?

Is the person recommending the software really considering what’s best for your business?

Do the people who recommend the software then help you get the best out of the package?

I am passionate about helping businesses with tax and online accounting.

I seek to find solutions that aren’t just dead records for compliance reporting, but are living breathing tools for your whole business promoting business performance and growth.

Xero is my preferred accounting software, because with very few exceptions it is the best choice for my clients.

There are a number of other accounting softwares that I am trained to support, which offer me, as an accountant, far larger software discounts.

However, to me, Xero is the most flexible software solution, allowing the most basic company to operate efficiently, then grow into a complex entity at its own pace.

To me, investing in lesser accounting systems is often a completely false economy. I like to widen my field of vision, to prevent future business disruption.

Xero has over 1000 integrated software applications, because it is built around a flexible API.

When you’re at your smallest Xero’s own flexibility will serve you well, reducing or negating the need for a PA/bookkeeper.

If you use different platforms to manage different business functions, you can replicate the integration software tasks using the import and export functionality across all areas of Xero itself.

However, as you grow, the time benefit of the targeted integrated software solutions will outweigh the cost of investing in them.

And from my perspective, the tax and accounts reporting is both robust and fully integrated too with Xero Tax and Workingpapers, improving my productivity and allowing me to keep my services targeted at improving your overall tax optimisation and business performance, rather than just completing your accounts.

So before you look disapprovingly at Xero’s modest monthly cost, consider that you aren’t just investing in an accounting package, you are investing in a dynamic business hub for your wider future operational business system design.

Too many words? Maybe.

I’ll dumb it down...

Xero is awesome!

If you want me to review your tax and accounting, why not set up a £99 Tax and Accounting Power Hour.

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